Friday, June 15, 2012

Idea Habit: 2-letter Scrabble words and Blue Harvest

At the beginning of June I listed 5 goals for the month that I wanted to accomplish each and every day. I will likely post an update on my progress next time, but today I will just quickly share some fun results of my idea habit. Essentially, I practice using my "idea" muscle by coming up with lists such as "10 chapter names for an autobiography," or "ways to stay awake during a lunch talk," or "10 skills I need to learn in lab." It's the only habit that I've fulfilled this month so far without fail, probably because it never takes more than 30 minutes each day. So far it has two advantages: #1 I actually use the ideas I generate, and #2 I have an easier time being proactively creative in lab. I organize all of my ideas into a note in Evernote.

Today I'm just going to share two of my idea lists that I created this week.

Memorizing two-letter words in Scrabble (6/11 and 13)
Knowing all the 101 two-letter words allowed in Scrabble would be really useful for even the casual Scrabble player, but how to remember all of them? For each letter, I've created acronyms, mnemonics, visual images, and word play to help me remember what other letters can be paired with that letter. The more ridiculous a memory trick is, the easier it is to remember. My favorites are bolded.
A full list of two-letter words can be found here:
B: B a vowel but don't B U
E: E is too good for other vowels. E fed me red sexlet hens  
F: FAr East
K: KIA (killed in action)
L: LIe On your Ass
M: M&Ms + vowels (imagine M&Ms with all the vowels written on them)
N: NAh, NEed NO NUts
T: TO TAme TIme
X: I + U = XXX
Y: Imagine a slingshot dealing AOE (area of effect) damage
letters with only one word: JOe's ZAny GO-RE and QI
Since when are ut, ti, na, ne, and qi official words of the English language?
Space-themed names for Frisbee team (6/12 and 14)
For the summer I joined the Ann Arbor Summer Frisbee League to get my Ultimate on. About 210 people, split up into teams of 15 (>>7 since a lot of people will take weeks off in the summer). We were asked to come up with ideas for a team name based on Space, this year's theme. Also, our team color is Blue, so bonus points if a name takes that into consideration.
Blue shift
NepTune Up
SaTurn Over
Hammer Time Continuum
Helio Hammers
Solar Flick
Space: the final FUNtier
May the Force Flick be with you

My buddy Jake came up with Blue Harvest (Family Guy reference), which I loved instantly and everyone jumped on. So here's to a great season Blue Harvest!

Edit: I deleted the Family Guy picture after I realized that it was solely responsible for this post getting 5 times more hits than any other post. It comes up way too high up on Google Image.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing these great article..i do really want to learn in playing scrabble, that is why i used to watch my mom plays the scrabble and ask some helpful tips from her..glad that i have learned a lot from her


About Me

MD/PhD student trying to garner attention to myself and feel important by writing a blog.

Pet peeves: conventional wisdom, blindly following intuition, confusing correlation for causation, and arguing against the converse

2013: 52 books in 52 weeks. Complete
2014: TBA. Hint.

Reading Challenge 2013

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Albert has read 5 books toward his goal of 52 books.


Albert's bookshelf: read

Zen Habits - Handbook for Life
5 of 5 stars true
Great, quick guide. I got a ton of work done these past two weeks implementing just two of the habits described in this book.
The Hunger Games
5 of 5 stars true
I was expecting to be disappointed. I wasn't.