Last time I described my goal of combining two productivity regimes: drip and burst.
To recap, the hybrid approach has three levels:
1) pre-scheduled bursts of intense, focused and distraction-free work on my most important and difficult projects (regardless of urgency).
2) a limited number of high-yield low-cost daily habits performed intentionally and mindfully
3) batches (ideally 2+ hours) containing everything else
Accountability is critical
I promise to my readers, that for the rest of June (and possibly beyond), I will do the following each week:
1) I will post a calendar at the start of the week indicating my scheduled bursts and how I work around them.
2) I will post a calendar at the end of the week indicating successes and failures.
3) I will post a screenshot of Lift for daily habits that week.
Lift on iPhone for the past 2 weeks. |
Tier 1: Scheduled Bursts
- Lab (most important project- 2 related experimental protocols I've never done before and will yield the missing data required for submission)
- Literature review: 15 papers read in-depth, 30 skimmed, 100 abstracts. Aiming to fill in the gaps in my knowledge.
- Scheduling: Must schedule these in advance at the beginning of the week for at least 3 hours each. I treat these as commitments. These are non-negotiable (overrule other things that come up, like meetings). However, I will not overly fret about making an "ideal" schedule ahead of time. Perfectionism and over-planning are forms of procrastination.
- Distractions: I shut off my phone/Internet and isolate myself as best I can. If I give into ANY distraction, I must stop and mark it as a failure, and report it on this blog. If I decide an unexpected interruption is important and urgent enough to stop what I'm doing, it is not a failure, but I make a note of it to see if I can find a way to avoid it in the future.
- Focus: Use a timer for 60 continuous minutes (optional to do more on given day after a 15 minute break). Increase by 10 minutes after completing 10 successful sessions in a row.
- Visible Progress: Have something to show for each session. This can be in a summary in an idea notebook, an updated master project document, an updated manuscript, talking to my PI, prepping slides for lab meeting, etc
- Breaks: At least one day a week, I cannot work on my most important projects
Tier 2: Worthwhile Habits
- Check e-mail/FB/news/Feedly once a day
- Write 30 minutes per day
- Make good eye contact
- Meditate
- Do something I fear
- Say "no" to one thing
- Aim to do these everyday. Accomplish as many as possible early in the day
- Checking e-mail a single time is the most important and most difficult. For motivation, as soon as I check a 2nd time, I am barred from recording more habits for the day. At other times, Gmail is blocked from my computer, and Mailbox is put on the last icon screen of my phone. I do check "important" e-mail folder 1 extra time per day. It is also OK to open e-mail to obtain information necessary for a project, but getting distracted by unrelated e-mails constitutes failure
Way to be hard core on yourself! If you need someone to keep you accountable on something in particular, let me know. :)